Coping with Loss of a Sibling

    When I heard the news my sibling had died, I thought it was a mistake. It was not possible. Our family was not prepared for such news. The emotions of that moment will never be forgotten.

    Coping with Loss of a Sibling

    I remember thinking that there must have been a mistake. They said my sibling was dead. It was the first time that I saw my father cry.

    Coping with the Loss of a Sibling


    I lost my wonderful, beautiful sister Janice age 65 last August to heart disease & type 2 diabetes. She was the first of 6 children to die, although I lost a little brother Bobby @ age 5 mos on my second birthday on August 27 1949. Oh my I only just realized that they both died in August, what a coincidence. I don’t remember any thing about my brother as I was only about 18 mos of age when mom had him.


    I am the oldest of 8, my sister and my nephew died in a house fire way back in 1983, the my mom shortly after, than my dad on Christmas Eve 1995. than I lost Three brothers in succession , than just after my youngest brother pass, my beloved niece died from cancer. All of these people died with Cancer except my sister and nephew who died in the fire. All younger than me, I can’t get over it all, I cry every day of my life. I don’t understand why I am still here.

    Public Trustee

    Traditionally when a loved one passes away, there are family members and friends who will step forward to care for the deceased and look after his or her funeral service. However, on a rare occasion some people will die alone, the body will be placed in the morgue and it will be the responsibility of the Medical Examiner to hold the remains and eventually decide what to do.

    After several weeks and the remains is still not claimed, an application to the Supreme Court can be made to have the Public Trustee appointed to look after the deceased’s estate and funeral service. The Public Trustee will then contact a local funeral home.

    Recently when contacted by the Public Trustee, there was very little information available about the deceased other than a name and address. But thanks to a familiar last name common to a specific community served by the Funeral Home and the resourcefulness of a parish priest the burial site of the deceased’s father was located.

    Following cremation a short funeral notice was placed in the weekend edition of the local paper informing the community of the deceased’s recent death and the location of a graveside committal service where the deceased’s urn would be placed with the father.

    The small notice caught the eye of family members who had simply lost contact with the deceased for many years but were very grateful to learn of the burial plans for their loved one. The importance of even a simple graveside prayer service cannot be overstated. It brings family members together to reflect on their past while paying tribute to their loved one even after several years of not knowing where they had gone. It also allows them to grieve their loss and keep their loved one in their hearts forever.

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